Welded mesh wire provides tensile strength and crack control for all your structural elements.
Steel welded wire mesh is used to add robustness and toughness to concrete in construction applications. When the concrete cures, the wire mesh plays a vital role in providing the required support. It also helps in preventing the development of cracks.
Reinforcing mesh, while extremely useful, is not necessarily required in all construction scenarios. It is important to understand where wire mesh is and isn’t required. Most residential projects, for example, do not require reinforcing mesh. This includes garages, pathways, and shed floors. If your driveway does not see much traffic, you most likely do not need mesh there, either.
Larger projects that are likely to be exposed to heavier pressure, will need reinforcing mesh. These include buildings, bridges, road pavements, concrete retaining walls, box culverts and drains. A large project might not see uniform pressure in all areas, and in these cases, engineers can identify the specific areas that require reinforcement. Some locations may require additional reinforcement due to the age of their primary material, with older public buildings being a good example.
Even in small-scale projects, there is no one- size- fits- all solution. instance, the ground below might be softer than would be considered ideal. In this case, reinforcing mesh can prevent subsidence. Equally, where it is known that even a small construction project will be subject to a great deal of pressure – such as a garage used by heavy vehicles – using reinforcing mesh is always a good idea.
Using the right steel reinforcing mesh in the right places can ensure that construction projects remain durable and resilient.